Grades Taught
Shona Hunter
Sheena Garton
Shona Hunter
Sheena Garton
My name is Mme Alison Pahl and I've been teaching at WHPS since 2013. I love teaching! Especially teaching languages and art. Isn't it glorious to spend an afternoon painting, creating, and trying new techniques?! Then you get to learn how to clean it all up properly! I grew up in Athabasca and had the privilege of being an Aspen View student in the French Immersion program from K-9. My husband (Mr. Pahl who teaches construction, photography, and videography at EPC) and I have two daughters, Lily and Rose. We enjoy being outside (hiking! fishing! biking! camping!), playing games, baking, and reading books together. Have a fabulous school year!
Daily schedule for class start times, recesses and dismissal.
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Current school year calendar showing instructional days, holidays, etc.
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Current school supply lists for each grade within our school.